Galactic Civilizations 3 Forumncpro


  1. Galactic Civilizations 3 Gameplay
  2. Galactic Civilization 3 Strategy
  3. Galactic Civilizations 3 Cheats
  4. Is Galactic Civilization 3 Good
Galactic civilizations 3 gameplay

Galactic Civilizations 3 Gameplay


Galactic Civilization 3 Strategy

Galactic Civilizations, as a series, has been around for ages. Stardock released the first installment in 2003, and the latest release hit Steam in 2015. Galactic Civilizations III is currently. Galactic Civilizations III has long stood as a strange game, far beyond the curve of most 4X in the market. A relic of a bygone time, the 2015 sequel to the critically acclaimed Galactic Civilizations II tried to recreate the magic of its predecessor while mostly retaining the arguably dated mechanics and the original release wound up receiving.

Galactic Civilizations 3 Cheats


Is Galactic Civilization 3 Good

add anomaly [CTRL O]Adds data in abnormal way
adds hitpoints [CTRL A]adds hitpoints, move points, attack and defense points
major races [CTRL L]assign all the worlds and resources to major races
battleship [CTRL B]fights for the devils in game
clear fog of war [CTRL U]This Command clears the screen
clone selected ship [CTRL C]Teleports to clone ship
create colony ship [CTRL Y]create colony ship
create random ship [CTRL V]create random ship
decreases morality [CTRL E]decreases morality
heals ship, restores move points [CTRL H]heals ship, restores move points
star system [CTRL P]increase the class of the planets in the selected star system
increases morality [CTRL G]increases morality
human colonies [CTRL J]make all human colonies complete their social and military projects
money [adds $1000] [CTRL M ]money (adds $1000)
current tech [CTRL S]research current tech (if shift key is also held, all techs except final frontier are researched)
teleport [CTRL T]teleport
modcredits [amount]The modcredits command will modify the local player’s credits by the value provided
modpop [amount]The modpop command will change the population of the colony on the currently selected planetThis works for any player’s colony
modcult [amount]The modcult command will modify the local player’s culture (ideology) points by the value provided
colonize [all]The colonize command will colonize the currently selected planet for the current local player
unlock [internal nameThe unlock command will unlock the specified tech for the local playerIf no tech name is given, then all techs and culture traits will be unlocked
fastunlockA light weight unlock command that unlocks all the techs as quickly as possibleThis does nothing else and takes no parameters
fow [player index]The fow command will toggle the fog of war on and offIt can also select which player’sfog of war to show based on player index